3264 2448 PRM-International

Durban Isithumba road trip

Just into our second day in Durban we got up early and went on a journey up the UMngeni river, together with Bart Fokkens, Regional Manager of the Duzi UMngeni Conservation Trust. A perfect way to crasp what we are up against. Hyacinths and water lettuce abound. Along the way we met several teams contracted by DUCT responsible to management and control the growth of water hyacinth and water lettuce. The below pictures were taken 19 September 2017.

Hyacinth on top of water lettuce at Wewe river

Hyacinth on top of water lettuce at Wewe river

Waterhyacinth along river bed

Picture of water hyacinth

Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)

DUCT spraying teams taking a break

DUCT spraying teams


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On our way

PRM kicks off its activities in South Africa on 18 September. Follow this blog for more information.

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New website

PRM International is proud to announce the new website. Here we have the possibility to inform people in short about who we are and what we do. Besides, we will keep our visitors updated about projects and developments. And we offer a digital place where people can contact us.